Thesis Complete!
After 9 months of work - I’m done!
After 9 months of work, my thesis project is finally done. It is a 15 minute string quartet that exploits the pitch drift inherent in just intonation, to create a microtonal diatonicism, as the piece constantly develops a single hymn-like theme as it slowly drifts from A major to F major.
While there has been no premiere, and one hasn’t been scheduled, a quartet did a reading of the first five minutes - a sort of proof of concept - earlier in April. You can listen to it below. Hopefully soon I will be able to get the piece a proper premiere. Until then, I will enjoy being done with my thesis. Up next: Graduation.
World Premiere - Clarinet Sonata No. 1
Brand new chamber work for clarinet and piano.
Last week, Steven Christ (Clarinet) and Annie Tindall-Gibson (Piano) premiered my first clarinet sonata at the University of South Carolina. The piece was commissioned by Steven Christ, and we’ve been collaborating on this project since late 2016 - so it was exciting to see it finally all come together.
Songs on the Mortality of Ice
New piece for chamber ensemble.
My new piece for chamber ensemble premiered last night as a part of the University of South Carolina's New Voices Concert. The piece was written for the Spark Ensemble.