Join the community
Membership is broken into two tiers - choose the one that is best for you!
Gold Member
Every month
Every year
As a Gold Member, you gain access to a wealth of digital resources and exclusive content in Composition, Music Theory, and Musicology
✓ Access to the private Discord Server
✓ Unlimited download of digital resources
✓ Early access to content
✓ Exclusive Behind the Scenes content
✓ Discounts and Priority Scheduling for private lessons
Platinum Member
Every month
Every year
As a Platinum Community Member, you'll have unlimited access to all online courses and masterclasses in Composition, Music Theory, and Musicology.
✓ All Gold Tier benefits
✓ Online Courses + Masterclasses
✓ Exclusive Content + Extended Cuts
✓ Monthly Live Stream
✓ First Priority and Discounts for Private Lessons
Digital REsources are Also available à la carte
If you want to purchase an individual resource and don’t want to join the community, head over to the Resources page
Buy Me a Coffee
If the membership isn’t for you, but you’d still like to support me and the creation of new music + new music resources, you can make a one time donation.