We Beheld His Glory (SATB + Piano/Cello)

Finale Rendering of this arrangement

Text from John 1:1-14
Duration: 4:48
Premiered: December 6, 2015 - Auburn, AL

We Beheld His Glory (Premiere)
Jesse Strickland

We Beheld His Glory was written as a part of For Your Glory You Came - a Christmas musical commissioned by Lakeview Baptist Church while I was working as composer-in-residence there. The text talks about Christ coming into the world, living among us, and allowing us to see the glory of God. Unlike other texts from scripture I have set, this one was mostly paraphrased in making it more musical.

It was originally for choir and full orchestra, however, the song was one of the more popular songs from the musical, so I was asked to arrange it for something more manageable. I chose piano and cello - two beautiful instruments that can still capture the emotion of the text.

Son of God, Son of man
Father’s gift to us
Word of God has put on flesh
And dwelt among us

He came unto His own
But His own did not believe
He came unto His own
But His own did not receive
Light has shined into darkness
But the dark did not understand

And we beheld His glory
The glory of God